I'm on CentOS and I can log into my database using the following:
TDSVER=7.2 tsql -H example.database.windows.net -U myname -D MyDataBase -p 1433
Then I put in my password and I can log in A-OK. Unfortunately isql
seem to have much more difficulty doing the same thing.
My config looks like this:
Description = Azure Awesome Database
Trace = off
Server = example.database.windows.net
Database = AwesomeDatabase
UID = wayne@example
PWD = mypassword
Port = 1433
TDS Version = 7.2
ForceTrace = off
Encrypt = yes
#Driver = FreeTDS
Driver = /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so
Ansi = True
client charset = utf-8
Using isql
⚘ isql -v CDH
[S1000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source
[01000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unexpected EOF from the server
[01000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Adaptive Server connection failed
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
Well, that's unfortunate. Trying osql
⚘ osql -S AwesomeDatabase -U wayne@example -P mypassword # I've tried wayne instead of wayne@example, neither works
checking shared odbc libraries linked to isql for default directories...
strings: '': No such file
trying /tmp/sql ... no
trying /tmp/sql ... no
trying /etc ... OK
checking odbc.ini files
reading /home/me/.odbc.ini
[AwesomeDatabase] found in /home/me/.odbc.ini
found this section:
Description = Azure Awesome Database
Trace = off
Server = example.database.windows.net
Database = AwesomeDatabase
UID = wayne@example
PWD = mypassword
Port = 1433
TDS Version = 7.2
ForceTrace = off
Encrypt = yes
#Driver = FreeTDS
Driver = /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so
Ansi = True
client charset = utf-8
looking for driver for DSN [AwesomeDatabase] in /home/me/.odbc.ini
found driver line: " Driver = /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so"
driver "/usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so" found for [AwesomeDatabase] in .odbc.ini
found driver named "/usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so"
/usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so is an executable file
"Server" found, not using freetds.conf
Server is "example.database.windows.net"
Configuration looks OK. Connection details:
DSN: AwesomeDatabase
odbc.ini: /home/me/.odbc.ini
Driver: /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so
Server hostname: example.database.windows.net
Attempting connection as wayne ...
+ isql CDH wayne mypassword -v
[S1000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source
[01000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unexpected EOF from the server
[01000][unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Adaptive Server connection failed
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
net.c:202:FAILED Connecting to port 1433 (TDS version 4.2)
What do I need to do to connect to Azure using unixODBC on Linux?
The problem is that if you don't provide a username and password then it's treated as a Trusted Connection. I'm not 100% what that means, but obviously it doesn't work. A working config is actually fairly straightforward.
Description = Azure Awesome Database
Server = example.database.windows.net
Database = AwesomeDatabase
Port = 1433
# Note the underscore
TDS_Version = 7.2
# Or `FreeTDS if you want to put some settings in your
# odbcinst.ini file
Driver = /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so
Now you must provide your password on the command line for isql (not sure if there's a way to get it interactively. There's always xargs
$ isql AwesomeDatabase wayne@example mypassword # "wayne" without @example seems to work, too.
And that will work just fine. If you're using sqlalchemy you can connect via pyodbc like so:
import sqlalchemy
from urllib.parse import quote
engine = sa.create_engine(
for row in engine.execute(sa.text('select current_timestamp')):
Or, using straight pyodbc
import pyodbc
# Without the Uid/Pwd it thinks it's a Trusted Connection
# again
conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=AwesomeDatabase;Uid=wayne@example;Pwd=mypassword;')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('select current_timestamp');
for row in cursor.fetchall():
And life should now be happy for you.