I have the following files in Play Framework 2.2.3
public class Comment extends Controller
public Result create(UUID id)
models.blog.Blog blog = models.blog.Blog.finder.byId(id);
Result result;
if(blog == null)
result = notFound(main.render("404", error404.render()));
Form<models.blog.Comment> commentForm = Form.form(models.blog.Comment.class);
commentForm = commentForm.bindFromRequest();
result = badRequest(Json.toJson(commentForm));
models.blog.Comment comment = commentForm.get();
comment.setTimeCreated(new Date());
result = ok(Json.toJson(comment));
return result;
And two models
public class Blog extends Model
private static final SimpleDateFormat MONTH_LITERAL = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM"),
DAY_NUMBER = new SimpleDateFormat("d"),
YEAR_NUMBER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
public static Finder<UUID, Blog> finder = new Finder<UUID, Blog>(UUID.class, Blog.class);
@Column(name="id",length=36, nullable=false)
public UUID id;
public User author;
public String title;
public String summary;
public String url;
public String content;
public Date time_created;
@Column(name="time_created", nullable=false)
public Date time_updated;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public List<Comment> comments;
@ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
joinColumns={ @JoinColumn(name="blog_id", referencedColumnName="id") },
inverseJoinColumns={ @JoinColumn(name="tag_id", referencedColumnName="id") }
public List<Tag> tags;
public List<Comment> getComments()
return this.comments;
public class Comment extends Model
private static final SimpleDateFormat MONTH_LITERAL = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM"),
DAY_NUMBER = new SimpleDateFormat("d"),
YEAR_NUMBER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
@Column(name="id",length=36, nullable=false)
public UUID id;
@Column(name="blog_id", length=36)
public UUID blog_id;
public Blog blog;
@Column(name="content", length=500)
public String content;
@Column(name="website", length=255)
public String website;
@Column(name="name", length=255)
public String name;
@Column(name="time_created", updatable=false)
public Date time_created;
I have excluded some setters and getters from these models for brevity, so it doesn't clog up this post.
When I attempt to make a POST request to the aforementioned controller, everything goes fine until I get to the "comment.save()" statement in the controller file, then I get the following error.
I'm unsure why this save isn't going through, and why there is a column conflict. Help much appreciated
The issue lies in the fact that you have defined basically two foreign key columns for Blog in your Comment's entity:
@Column(name = "blog_id", length = 36)
public UUID blog_id;
public Blog blog;
The default column name for your 'blog' field is: blog_id However, you've already named your 'blog_id' column that. Interestingly, no error/warning is thrown when creating this table...
So when you call comment.save(), the following insert statement is generated:
insert into blog_comment (id, blog_id, content, website, name, time_created, blog_id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
Notice a reference to 'blog_id' column twice, which is invalid. And this is because of the above double mapping.
To fix, just give your 'blog' property a different name to use for the foreign key column:
@Column(name = "blog_id", length = 36)
public UUID blog_id;
@JoinColumn(name = "blogId")
public Blog blog;
I'm not sure why you're mapping your entities like this (perhaps legacy schema?) but the 'blog_id' fields seem to be redundant (and confusing) as you already have an entity mapping in the form of your 'blog' property.
This question is pretty old, but for any future reference i have found this answer that solved my problem.
After numerous searchers around the web I found this answer here - thanks to jtal!
Just to summaries the problem:
Using Ebean i have made a @ManyToOne entity that is not implemented in the database in anyway, even more the join field, in your case
is a valid field that has values of its own.
when trying to join the column on that field, it will always fail because it creates this sql query:
t0.id c0,
t0.blog_id c1,
t0.content c2,
t0.website c3,
t0.time_created c4,
t0.blog_id c5 <---- notice this duplicate
blog_comment t0
in order to solve this, i tell ebean not to use the second set of properties.
your new ebean element should look something like this:
@JoinColumn(name = "blogId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public Blog blog;
hope this helps! =)