How to use lift-json's class extractor constructor mongo bson array?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-13 06:47:08


I'm use lift-json render a bson string with class extractor, after that, use mongo Document class constructor a document instance with that bson string.

A problem is how about represent $or bson.It seems not a classic json array.

 {"$or": [
      {"username": "administrator"},

How to use lift class extractor represent this bson array?

Besides, the reason of use string between app and mongo is they are communicate under a simple socket.

UPDATE add a example
extractor a normal array class as follow:

import net.liftweb.json._
import net.liftweb.json.Extraction._

case class Name(name: String)
case class JsonArray(array:List[Name])

object JsonClient extends App {
  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

  val names = Name("jone01") :: Name("jone02") :: Nil
  val array = JsonArray(names)
  val jsonString = prettyRender(decompose(array))



How to represent this

{"$or": [
      {"username": "administrator"},

every field key (eg, username, phone) of element inner "$or" is not common key name and I haven't find a way to represent it use class template.


I don't get it why your JSON structure is that way, maybe what you want is the following one:

  "$or": [
      "username": "administrator", "phone":"110",  
      "email":"", "pen_name":"lorancechen"
      "username": "xxx", "phone":"xxx",  
      "email":"xxx", "pen_name":"xxx"

Actually Lift provides such tools and the downside is that the implementation is a little bit ugly.

  import net.liftweb.mongodb.{JsonObjectMeta, JsonObject}

  // the trait here is for unifying the type of 
  //four case classes i.e Username, Phone....
  sealed trait PersonField

  object Username extends JsonObjectMeta[Username]
  case class Username(username: String) extends JsonObject[Username] 
     with PersonField {
     def meta = Username

  case class Phone(phone: String) extends JsonObject[Phone] with PersonField {
     def meta = Phone
  object Phone extends JsonObjectMeta[Phone]

  case class Email(email: String) extends JsonObject[Email] with PersonField {
     def meta = Email
  object Email extends JsonObjectMeta[Email]

  case class PenName(pen_name: String) extends JsonObject[PenName] 
     with PersonField {
     def meta = PenName
  object PenName extends JsonObjectMeta[PenName]

  case class Output(`$or`: List[PersonField]) extends JsonObject[Output] {
    def meta = Output

  object Output extends JsonObjectMeta[Output]

  object JsonClient extends App {

     val username = Username("administrator")
     val phone = Phone("110")
     val email = Email("")
     val penName = PenName("lorancechen")
     val outPut = Output(username :: phone :: email :: penName :: Nil)

     import net.liftweb.json._
     implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

     import net.liftweb.json.{JsonAST, Printer}
     val result = Printer.pretty(JsonAST.render(outPut.asJObject))



Anyway, hope it helps.

