Getting ExamQuestion@143c8b3 as print out in console

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-13 06:22:09


I have a have a class that has a method which takes a string. Then I have a method which returns the value of the above method. When ever I get the return value in my main class and print it the printed value is "ExamQuestion@143c8b3". How do I get it to print correctly?



Whenever you get the format "@" this is the default format of an object's toString() method.

Calling System.out.println(question); calls ExamQuestion.toString(). If the method isn't overridden, the version in the super class will be called, in this case it will be Object's version.

So that's why you get ExamQuestion@143c8b3.

To fix this, put the following method in your ExamQuestion class:

public String toString() {
    // return a string that means something here


You should have ExamQuestion overriding toString().


The output you are seeing is how java represents objects as strings.

The default behavior is:

this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());

If you want the string representation of your object to be more clear, you should override the toString() method in your class.


That is the default behaviour as explained by @ValekHalfHeart in his answer.

If you want to print your objects stuff then you need to override toString method in your class.

Say I have this code:

class MyClass{
   int a,b;

So when I make an object of this class and pass it to println:

public static void main(String args[]){
  MyClass m = new MyClass();
  m.a = 20;
  m.b = 30;

It will print something like MyClass@143c8b3 as is your case.

So now if I want that whenever I pass my object to println it should print something else like values of my variables a and b should be printed.

Then I should override tostring method in MyClass:

class MyClass{
   int a,b;

   public String toString(){
     return "MyClass values: a = "+a+" and b = "+b;

So now when I say this

public static void main(String args[]){
  MyClass m = new MyClass();
  m.a = 20;
  m.b = 30;

Its going to print MyClass values: a = 20 and b = 30

So you have to do that for your ExamQuestion class


All classes inherit (implicitly) from Object, which has the toString() method, the implementation of which is producing the output you're seeing.

To have a meaningful String representation, you must override this method to provide an implementation that's suitable for your class.

