I am reading a PyTable, with 1320000rows x 16cols
The idea is to read the table and to write its content into a QTableWidget.
The way I am doing it makes the GUI collapse.
I would like a clue about how to do it in an efficient way.
Here it is my code:
#The PyTable is already opened and the reference to the desired table acquired
res = []
#Read the PyTable row by row and store the result
for x in tab.where('col1 > -1'):
#Try to write the QTableWidget row by row
for i, row in enumerate(res):
for j, col in enumerate(row):
item = QTableWidgetItem(str(col))
self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(i, j, item)
#NOTE 1: with a PyTable with 1000rows X 16cols rows aprox it works perfect
#NOTE 2: with the huge PyTable with 1320000rows x 16cols, it does not work