JavaFX: Add UI control to TreeTableView

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-27 04:54:12


Let's say i have 2 columns in a TreeTableView and now i want to add a string/Label in the first column and a ProgressBar in the other one. How would i accomplish something like this?

Really appreciate any help!


As correctly pointed out by James_D, you can use ProgressBarTreeTableCell for a column with ProgressBars. There is internal supports for some other UI controls such as TextField, CheckBox etc.

For other UI controls you can create a Custom TreeTableCell as shown:

private class ProgressCell extends TreeTableCell<Employee, String> {

    final ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar();

        ProgressCell() {

        protected void updateItem(String t, boolean empty) {
            super.updateItem(t, empty);
            if (!empty) {

and then assign a CellFactory to the second column

        new Callback<TreeTableColumn<Employee, String>, TreeTableCell<Employee, String>>() {
             public TreeTableCell<Employee, String> call(
                TreeTableColumn<Employee, String> param) {
                    return new ProgressCell();

where Employee is the POJO class on which the TreeTableView is built

