Selecting elements by name with wildcards

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-13 03:47:37


Whats a good way to select elements by their name using wildcards?

The website has element names in the form of <a_1786439></a_1786439> which are likely auto-generated. This is doable by xpath, but is it doable using css selectors or jquery selectors which are faster?

This is clearly terrible-coding, but the website is not mine, and I'm writing a userscript for it.


This doesn't exist in CSS3, as the spec's section on type selectors only includes names and wildcards, but no combinations of them.


It's possible to create custom elements using the HTML DOM createElement method like this:


In the website code you are dealing with, they have created a custom element, or maybe extend the a element, but they didn't choose a significant name! a_1786439??? which is, I think, really bad.

Using CSS selectors or jQuery selectors depends essentially on what you want to do. Suppose you have to access children elements of a specific node, then jquery selectors would be more appropriate.

Hope it's useful!

