Eclipse is not downloading plugin from central maven repo

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-13 03:47:21


I am trying to create a JAX-RPC webservice client using maven-jaxrpc-plugin in Eclipse using M2E. Here is the corresponding snippet from pom.xml



However when I right click -> maven -> install

I get the following error.

Plugin net.sf.jaxrpc-maven:maven-jaxrpc-plugin:0.3 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for net.sf.jaxrpc-maven:maven-jaxrpc-plugin:jar:0.3: Failure to find net.sf.jaxrpc-maven:maven-jaxrpc-plugin:pom:0.3 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

I checked on my organisations nexus and the plugin is not there. However shouldn't maven fallback and download it from central repo ? In my m2 settings.xml it is configured as shown below.


I even tried doing right click update on central repository from Maven Repository View but that didn't help. I am really scratching my head on this :(


This particular library does not exist in the Central Maven Repository nor does it exist any any publicly available repository. It is unreleased code so, as a result, you will be unable to download it regardless of how you configure your POM or Eclipse.

The source for this library exists here (

This project expects the user to clone it's Git repository and build it locally, which will place it's artifact in your local Maven cache (i.e., ~/.m2/repository). Once you do this, it will be available to your project.

Instructions on how to build it are in the project's file.

