Creating a Table with Points from X and Y Coordinates and Joining to a Table of Polygons if Point Withing Polygon

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-13 03:39:58


I am attempting to be create a polygon table of hexagons, with a name for each hexagon (e.g. Hex1, Hex2, etc...) and join the polygon table to a table of records that have x and y coordinates if the coordinates fall within a polygon.

Creating the hex table with the code below, when ran in isolation, seems to be working (except for some of my numbers being off, creating some overlap)

DECLARE @Hex TABLE   --Create table to old hexagons
 (PointGeom geometry, Hex varchar(6))

INSERT INTO @Hex --Create hexagons, name, and put into table
  (geometry::STPolyFromText('Polygon((7517683.77026919 737591.11, 7517395.09513459 738091.11, 7516817.74486541 738091.11, 7516529.06973081 737591.11, 7516817.74486541 737091.11, 7517395.09513459 737091.11, 7517683.77026919 737591.11))', 0),'Hex1'),
  (geometry::STPolyFromText('Polygon((7518549.79567297 737158.097298108, 7518261.12053838 737658.097298108, 7517683.77026919 737658.097298108, 7517395.09513459 737158.097298108, 7517683.77026919 736658.097298108, 7518261.12053838 736658.097298108, 7518549.79567297 737158.097298108))', 0),'Hex2');

To create points from my existing/source table (I cannot alter the source table), for which @Hex will be joined to, I have tried the following code

Drop Table #Points 
create table #Points 
     (Primary_key bigint identity not null,  geom  geometry)
INSERT INTO #Points (Primary_Key, Geom)
select g.primary_key, geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT('+convert(varchar(20),g.x_coordinate)+' '+convert(varchar(20),g.y_coordinate)+')',4326) as geom
from go_data g

Finally, to get my desired result the following code

select g.primary_key, Hex
from g --source table

left join #points p  on g.primary_key = p.Primary_key

left join @hex h   
on p.geom.STIntersects (h.hex) =1

The code included above has been frankensteined together from various forum posts and research that I have done so far (I am way outside my knowledge base). So my approach my be way off.

In the codes current iteration, it is 'running', but I gave it about 60 minutes and it had not finished. The final code will have about 2000 polygons (currently testing with 6) and be joined to a record set of 100,000+ records.

The desired result is:

Record1 Hex1 Record2 Hex2 Record3 Hex1 Record4 Hex1 Reocrd5 Hex2

