Mirror API Playground not posting to timeline

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-13 02:49:51


I believe I've gone through all the steps of creating a (web) client-id for authorizing requests from the Mirror API Playground, yet when I hit the Authorize button, and then Insert a card from a template, nothing is sent to glass.

I also note that the Timeline tab below is empty.

Web I bring up developer tools, I note that the POST to https://www.googleapis.com/rpc is returning results:

  "error": {
   "code": 403,
   "message": "Access Not Configured",
   "data": [
     "domain": "usageLimits",
     "reason": "accessNotConfigured",
     "message": "Access Not Configured"
  "id": "gapiRpc"

Am I missing something in how to authorize the Mirror Playground?


You need to enable the Google Mirror API.

Do this by toggling the switch on the Services panel for your project as pictured here:

. This toggle will only be visible if you have been whitelisted for the Google Mirror API as part of the developer preview.

