How-to correctly pass params between Parse Cloud Code and the Client? (httpRequest Example)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-13 01:06:22


I've seen some examples, read the docs and read other question however I'm still not quite sure where to add/properly add params to be passed between Cloud Code and my Client side correctly.

For Instance, Here I am creating a new class from a httpRequest in my Cloud Code

In my Cloud Code main.js

Parse.Cloud.define("POSTfromCloud", function(request, response) {

   //runs when"POSTfromCloud") on the client side is called
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "X-Parse-Application-Id": "[PARSE_APP_ID]",
          "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": "[PARSE_REST_ID]",
          "Content-Type": "application/json"

       //adds a new class to my parse data
       url: "",

       body: {
               "newPOSTfromCloudClass": {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}

       success: function (httpResponse) {
       error:function (httpResponse) {
                console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);

    });  //end of Parse.Cloud.httpRequest()


on my client side'POSTfromCloud', {}, {
        success: function(result) {
          console.log("Posted a new Parse Class from Cloud Code Successfully! :"+ JSON.stringify(result))
        error: function(error) {
        console.log("Oops! Couldn't POST from Cloud Code successfully..  :"+ error)

My Result:

Bam! Got that working correctly. Now lets say I want to make my url one of many parameters passed how do I do this?


As I was asking this I was also tinkering with some things because I coundn't get anything to pass correctly (or it would return as an empty value) so here I have and example on how I can pass parameters into this.

in my cloudcode main.js

Parse.Cloud.define("POSTfromCloud", function(request, response) {

         //HERE- make a new instance of 'myValue' for Cloudcode to handle
         var myValue = request.params.myValue;

            method: "POST",
....[blah blah]

            //AND HERE- placed that here in my body, **note:** you shouldnt store tokens like this, ignore what I named it
            body: {
                   "newPOSTfromCloudClass": {"yourToken":myValue,"key2":"value2"}

client side

      var myvalue = "I'm The VALUE";'POSTfromCloud', {myValue: myvalue}, {

          success: function(result) {

Result: this should have passed the param correctly. Again ignore me using the title "yourToken", you shouldn't be storing tokens like that.

This took a while to put together, I hope this can help someone.

