I have my custom XBL control, let's say :
<fr:my-control id="my-control-id" attr1 = "value1 value2 value3" attr2 = "aaa" ../>
In my XBL I have defined a handler and attr1 as xf:select
<xbl:handler event="my-custom-event" phase="target">
<xf:send submission="my-submission"/>
<xf:select ref="@subOn">
And in dialog.control.details
I have added :
<xf:select appearance="full" ref="if ($xforms-control/self::xf:select) then $bound-node else ()">
<xf:label>Send submission:</xf:label>
<xf:label>On load</xf:label>
<xf:label>On save</xf:label>
So I can select load
and save
by clicking on checkboxes in control's settings.
Now, I would like to dispatch some event ONLY IF attr1
contains specific word, f.e.
<fr:my-control id="my-control-id" attr1 = "save" attr2="...">
if(contains(normalize-space($attr1), 'save') then
<xf:dispatch ev:event="my-custom-event" observer="fr-form-model" name="my-custom-event"
How would I do that ? Thanks in advance.
I would like to make myself perfectly clear, so :
1 Inside my form generating in Form Builder there I have :
<fr:my-control id="my-control-id" attr1 = "save">
<xf:dispatch ev:event="my-custom-event" observer="fr-form-model" name="my-custom-event"
I placed this <xf:dispatcher>
to catch event when user clicks on Save button in Form Runner. There is also a problem with targetid
which I have to set always by hand to be the same as fr:my-custom-control
but there's another issue which has its own post.
2 Inside XBL file there i have handlers defined
<xbl:handler event="my-custom-event" phase="target">
<xf:send submission="my-submission"/> </xbl:handler>
<xf:input ref="@attr1"/>
This handler catches my-custom-event
and sends my-submission
afterwards. It is done OUTSIDE xbl:template.
3 I want to send such submission only if attr1 = "save"
I tried to do this :
<xf:var name="attr1" xbl:attr="xbl:text=attr1" >
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-enabled xforms-value-changed">
<xf:setvalue ref="instance('attr1')" value="$attr1"/>
<xf:instance id="attr1"><value/></xf:instance>
<xf:group ref=".[contains(normalize-space($subOn), 'save')]">
<xf:submission id="my-submission" ..
That way submission is never sent. Also I tried only adding condition to submission, like this :
<xf:submission id="my-submission"
if="contains(normalize-space($attr1), 'save')"
Ironically, this way submission is always sent, no matter what attr1
actually is.
It's not working and I have no idea why. Code seems right, but obviously there must be something wrong.
From XForms, you can't access the value of another element in the DOM, so in this case, you can't access from "outside" fr:my-control
the value of its attr1
attribute. On the other side, the implementation of the XBL component can of course access the value of its attributes. The simplest way to do that is to declare inside the XBL control a variable, e.g.:
<xf:var name="attr1-attribute" xbl:attr="xbl:text=attr1"/>
Then, you can use, inside the control $attr1
to refer to the value of the attr1
attribute. Would it work for you to move that logic inside the XBL component, i.e. do the xf:send
only if $attr1 = 'save'