I have 7200 or so SKOS.Concept objects created by rdflib-sqlalchemy from parsing a turtle file stored in a Postgres DB.
The following SPARQL query takes over 30 seconds to respond with data:
SELECT ?subject ?prefLabel
WHERE { ?subject rdf:type
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept> .
?subject skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel .
FILTER (lang(?prefLabel) = 'en') }
order by ?prefLabel
I am using the limit and offset to paginate through results. I pass in the language parameter (one of ar, en, es, fr, ru, zh).
If I simply select the subject, the resulting query is lightning fast -- but I need to collate by prefLabel in the result set.
This is a query that ran very fast in a key value store (Sleepycat) but crawls when moving to rdlib-sqlalchemy with a Postgres backend.
I am quite new to rdlif and SPARQL -- any suggestions or insights would be welcome.
Thanks in advance!