Import Stanford nlp Intellij

久未见 提交于 2019-12-12 16:13:44


I'm having trouble using Stanford Lemmatizer. As i'm using Intellij IDE, i try to import it via the Dependencies Windows, but i can't access all the class by that way.

Is there a way to import stanford-english-corenlp-models-current.jar & stanford-corenlp-models-current.jar correctly on Intellij?


As guys mentioned above,you just import the wrong file

First,download the CoreNLP 3.7.0(beta)

In the screen shot above,click the red button to download the file,which covers all the things to run the CoreNLP.

Second, right click the module which you want to import jar to to open the "open module settings" pannel ,then you may get a picture like this

click the green plus button to import all the things

Notice:It's the directory I point to you.

Then click "Apply" and "OK"

This is done.Enjoy it!

Reference: (CoreNLP official web page) (how to import jar in Intellij in Chinese)

