How to make Concurrency utilities (JSR 236) work in plain non-EE Tomcat 8?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-12 12:13:25


My technical stack includes

  • Tomcat 8.5.47 (plain, not EE)
  • Weld 2.4.8.Final (as a reference implementation of CDI 1.2)

To be able to use ManagedExecutorService and manage threads more wisely and in a safer manner, I would like to include this dependency

  • org.glassfis:javax.enterprise.concurrent (as a reference implementation of JSR 236 [Concurrency Utilities])

I tried to inject the bean in different ways and into differently-scoped beans (view-, session-, application-based).

  private javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService service;

  private javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService service;

  private javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService service;

Nothing seems to work and the exception goes

    Error looking up java:comp/env/.../ManagedExecutorService in JNDI
    Name [.../ManagedExecutorService] is not bound in this Context.

It might be due to improper bean registration. Because I found none. I scanned the whole classpath and couldn't find anything that defines ManagedExecutorService or any of its implementations somewhere.

I tried to register it by myself in the context.xml to no avail. I used this TomEE tutorial (naively) assuming that configuration for my non-EE Tomcat would be the same.

<Resource name="ManagedExecutorService"
          type="javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService" />

<Resource id="ManagedExecutorService"
          type="javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService" />

Apparently, it's not.

My questions are

  1. Is it possible to set up Concurrency Utilities on a non-EE server, Tomcat 8.5 in particular?

  2. If so, what am I missing here?

I can't switch to any JavaEE application server.
I can't upgrade the listed dependencies.


  • Java EE specification and multi threading

  • Is it safe to manually start a new thread in Java EE?

  • Why am I getting a WELD-001303: No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped exception?

