Angularjs: Transform data before send with ng-resource and transformRequest

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-12 10:23:16


I want to change some data before sending it to the server via ng-resource. I use the tranformRequest-Function like this:

    update: {
        method: 'PUT',
        transformRequest: function (data) {
             // modify data then
             return data;

I can modify data this way but in the request my data is always serialized. I want keep my data as JSON. Is this possible with transformRequest or have this to be done in controller. I would prefer to do it in the service. Thx for help


Omg i feel like an idiot. You simply have to do

update: {
    method: 'PUT',
    transformRequest: function (data) {
         // modify data then
         return angular.toJson(data);


Here's an example I'm using in my app. Callers of the $resource methods pass in a simple list of parameters as JSON, and the transformRequest bundles the parameters into the format expected by the API I'm using.

var myServices = angular.module('myServices', ['ngResource']);
myServices.factory('MyServer', ['$resource', function($resource){
    var formatLoginRequest = function(data) {
        // input looks like: {username:"imauser", pw:"password"}
        // output should be: {request: {cmd:"login", username:"imauser", pw:"password"}}
        data = {request: data};
        data = angular.toJson(data);
        return data;
    return = $resource('', {}, {
        login: {method:'POST', params:{}, isArray:false, transformRequest:formatLoginRequest },
        ...other methods defined here...

As noted elsewhere, angular.toJson() won't correctly serialize all data types, but it is sufficient for my case with JSON.


In case somebody else comes across this, Angular provides default transformations for objects. The $http service exposes defaults.transformRequest, which checks if the data property is an object and automatically serializes it to JSON.

For this particular case, i would do a simple check if data is an object and if not make it one and override the $http.defaults.transformRequest.

function appendTransform(defaults, transform) {
  defaults = angular.isArray(defaults) ? defaults : [defaults];
  return defaults.concat(transform);

update: {
    method: 'PUT',
 appendTransform($http.defaults.transformResponse,function(data) {
      data = angular.isObject(data) ? data : {data};
      return data;


Yes it is. A bit troublesome and ulgy but here it is :

// from angular-resource
var toString= function() {
    var value = [];
    _.forEach(this, function(e) {
            value.push('' + e);
        return '[' + value.join(', ') + ']';
      var isObject = function isObject(value) {
          return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
    var isFile = function(obj) {
      return === '[object File]';

    var isFormData = function(obj) {
      return === '[object FormData]';

    var isBlob = function(obj) {
      return === '[object Blob]';
    var defaultToJson = function(d) {
          return isObject(d) && !isFile(d) && !isBlob(d) && !isFormData(d) ? angular.toJson(d) : d;
    this.typeServiceProcessData = function(d){
             //[put your code here for to change data this will be called before angular default serialization to the server]
    this.typeServiceProcessJsData = function(d){
        //[for data that come back from the server after getting parse by default angular json parsing]

// sample creation of a resource method, be really carefull about the order in transformResponse and transformRequest

'get': {method:'GET', transformResponse:[$http.defaults.transformResponse[0], this.typeServiceProcessData]},

'create':   {method:'POST', url:baseResourceUrl, transformRequest:[this.typeServiceProcessJsData, defaultToJson]},

It's a big huge, it's a code i done some time ago and i copy/pasted some function definition from angular-resource because they weren't define in that scope and weren't accessible from outside of angular resource. To see why they're needed check the defaultToJson function i defined which is the angular default.

If someone has a better way to just copy paste that bunch of function i take too :)

