Why is SQLAlchemy execute Update not working

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-12 09:14:12


I have the following:

def PeriodicUpdateAgentLastRica():
    query = """update agents
            inner join
               (select sims.consignment_agents_id as agents_id,
            as last_rica_stamp
            from sims
            where sims.rica_current_stamp > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) and sims.consignment_agents_id is not NULL
            group by sims.consignment_agents_id) as dt on dt.agents_id = agents.id
            set agents.last_rica_stamp = dt.last_rica_stamp"""
    res = Session.execute(query)
    print res
    if res.rowcount:
        log.info("Updated %s agents" % res.rowcount)

When I run celery worker -B This is what is returned:

[2014-02-12 09:15:00,012: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: prepaid.models.Prepaid.PeriodicUpdateAgentLastRica[9ca091c8-595f-4163-8ddf-2742e573b90c]
[2014-02-12 09:15:01,812: WARNING/Worker-7] <sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x776f310>
[2014-02-12 09:15:01,813: INFO/Worker-7] Updated 2923 agents 
[2014-02-12 09:15:01,816: INFO/MainProcess] Task prepaid.models.Prepaid.PeriodicUpdateAgentLastRica[9ca091c8-595f-4163-8ddf-2742e573b90c] succeeded in 1.798980095s: None

Even though it says that it updated: Updated 2923 agents, when I check the DB, no record is changed.

There is nothing wrong with the query, as when I run it in mySQL Workbench it works.

The same happens when I try forcing AutoCommit, i.e.

res = Session.execute(text(query).execution_options(autocommit=True))

So it committing, but still the Update is not affecting the DB. Why is it not affecting the database? Why is it not working?


I have also tried doing:

with transaction.manager:
    #Rest of code

But it still does not change anything in the DB


This looks like you are using zodb transaction manager in pyramid.

You have to mark the session as changed


You should do something like

from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed

if that does not work try

from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension

