I got total 160 Quantity in the Stock.
How to get first 100 quantity total amount and last 60 quantity total amount?
The table is sort by Date and Stock ID.
+ Stock ID + Product ID + Quantity + Amount + Date +
+ 1 + 1001 + 50 + 10.00 + 2014-11-10 +
+ 2 + 1001 + 70 + 11.00 + 2014-11-11 +
+ 3 + 1001 + 30 + 9.90 + 2014-11-12 +
+ 4 + 1001 + 10 + 10.20 + 2014-11-13 +
I need two result of below. Thanks
Result A (first 100 quantity)
+ Product ID + Quantity + Total Amount +
+ 1001 + 100 + 1050.00 +
Result B (last 60 quantity)
+ Product ID + Quantity + Total Amount +
+ 1001 + 60 + 619.00 +
For first 100
Product ID
, sum(Quantity) as Quantity, sum(Amount) asTotalAmount
from (SELECT * from tblstock order bytblStock
.Stock ID
ASC limit 100) t1 GROUP BYDate
,Product ID
For last 60
Product ID
, sum(Quantity) as Quantity, sum(Amount) asTotal Amount
from (SELECT * from tblstock order bytblStock
.Stock ID
DESC limit 60) t1 GROUP BYDate
,Product ID
Try this:
Result A:
SELECT A.ProductID AS 'Product ID', '100' AS 'Quantity', SUM(A.Amount) as 'Total Amount'
FROM tblStock A
WHERE StockID IN (SELECT B.StockID from tblStock B ORDER BY B.StockID ASC LIMIT 100)
Result B:
SELECT A.ProductID AS 'Product ID', '60' AS 'Quantity', SUM(A.Amount) as 'Total Amount'
FROM tblStock A
WHERE StockID IN (SELECT B.StockID from tblStock B ORDER BY B.StockID DESC LIMIT 60)
Instead of using IN, you can use JOIN.
Result A:
SELECT A.ProductID AS 'Product ID', '100' AS 'Quantity', SUM(A.Amount) AS 'Total Amount'
FROM tblStock AS A
(SELECT StockID from tblStock ORDER BY StockID ASC LIMIT 100) AS B
ON A.StockID = B.StockID
Result B:
SELECT A.ProductID AS 'Product ID', '60' AS 'Quantity', SUM(A.Amount) AS 'Total Amount'
FROM tblStock AS A
(SELECT StockID from tblStock ORDER BY StockID DESC LIMIT 60) AS B
ON A.StockID = B.StockID