I have used this command to send xml files to a web service named SRA-ENA.
submission_field = Curl::PostField.content(File.read("xml/#{@experiment.alias}.submission.xml"), 'SUBMISSION')
study_field = Curl::PostField.content(File.read("xml/#{@experiment.alias}.study.xml"), 'STUDY')
sample_field = Curl::PostField.content(File.read("xml/#{@experiment.alias}.sample.xml"), 'SAMPLE')
run_field = Curl::PostField.content(File.read("xml/#{@experiment.alias}.run.xml"), 'RUN')
experiment_field = Curl::PostField.content(File.read("xml/#{@experiment.alias}.experiment.xml"), 'EXPERIMENT')
# Send these requests to the test-SRA website
request_test = Curl::Easy.http_post("https://www-test.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ERA%20era-drop-81%20dxjf2dntWDr4CHg28qERORnv0RQ%3D", submission_field, study_field, sample_field, run_field, experiment_field )
In response to this, I receive a receipt from the web server in xml format,
Please could some one guide me how to save this xml in a variable so that I can use nokogiri to further parse the xml file.
Here is a standalone example, using Rails 2.3.14, that shows how to use nokogiri to parse XML results.
require 'nokogiri'
require 'curb'
# I have included this part so that this serves as a standalone example
ce = Curl::Easy.new("http://www.myexperiment.org/announcements.xml")
# This is the part that deals with parsing the XML result using nokogiri
doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(ce.body_str)
doc.xpath("/announcements/announcement").each do |announcement|
puts announcement.content