set colmodel of jqGrid when rows loaded from server but before add to grid

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-12 04:46:41


I want to change my grid's colmodel dynamiclly and I did lots of search but non of the question thread answered me. I need to pivot a select in sql so after I execute my query I find out names and count of my grid's columns.

In other posts I find the way of changing the colmodel but I don`t know when and where I must do it. It is not possible to execute query two time becuase It may changed in result and decrease performance.


One can use beforeProcessing callback to make many modifications in colModel dynamically. One can't add/remove columns and one can't modify name property, but the most other changes are allowed. I would recommend you to use setColProp method to make the modification. One can use setLabel to modify column headers. The answer, this one and the another one provides corresponding examples.

I am working now on addColumn/removeColumn column methods which will allow to modify colModel more deep. You can find the current beta version of addColumn with the corresponding demos on github.

