I am trying to push my output from VBScript code in table row and table cell.
My code is:
Set table = document.CreateElement("table")
i = 0
For Each node In objMSXML.selectNodes(sXPath)
Set tr = document.createElement("tr")
Set td = document.createElement("td")
For Each element In node
td.innerText = element.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & element.text
tr.appendChild td
table.appendChild tr
ObjOutFile.WriteLine node.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & node.text
i = i + 1
document.body.appendChild table
What is wrong with it? it is not working while I am able to push output in list.
Edit I am using this code it prints output as expected but table is not populated.
ObjOutFile.WriteLine thing.path
document.body.appendChild p
Set tbody = document.createElement("tbody")
For Each node In objMSXML.selectNodes(sXPath)
Set trow = document.createElement("tr")
Set tcol = document.createElement("td")
tcol.innerText = tcol.innerText & node.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & node.text
ObjOutFile.WriteLine node.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & node.text
'ObjOutFile.WriteLine node.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & node.text
The ObjOutFile.writeLine
prints like:
C:\Users\abc\Desktop\samp.txt hamster->AbcPos hamster->Database Layer hairyStyle->qskxyz hairyGirl->qixyz hairyGirl->abc hairyGirl->def
You have two issues in your code:
is not a collection, soFor Each element In node
fails. You probably have anOn Error Resume Next
elswhere in your HTA that is hiding this error, because otherwise you'd be seeing an error message like this:Object doesn't support this property or method.
You need to append the table rows to a
element first (see this related question).
Change your code to something like this (and remove the On Error Resume Next
Set table = document.createElement("table")
Set tbody = document.createElement("tbody")
i = 0
For Each node In objMSXML.selectNodes(sXPath)
Set tr = document.createElement("tr")
Set td = document.createElement("td")
td.innerText = node.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & node.text
tr.appendChild td
tbody.appendChild tr
i = i + 1
table.appendChild tbody
document.body.appendChild table
You want a row for each node and a column for each element of the current node. So
For Each node In objMSXML.selectNodes(sXPath)
Set tr = document.createElement("tr")
Set td = document.createElement("td")
For Each element In node
td.innerText = element.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & element.text
should be
For Each node In objMSXML.selectNodes(sXPath)
Set tr = document.createElement("tr")
For Each element In node
Set td = document.createElement("td")
td.innerText = element.parentNode.nodeName & "->" & element.text