Having an issue with JQuery UI slide property. This should produce a gentle slide out of the current image whilst the next image gently slides in.
$('.gallery img').hide(); $('.gallery img:first').show().addClass('galo');
var next = $('.galo').next();
$('.galo').hide('slide', {direction:'left'}, {duration:800, queue:false}).removeClass('galo'); $(next).show('slide', {direction:'right'}, {duration:800, queue:false}).addClass('galo');
On our website it instead slide the old one out leaving a blank space and then the next image suddenly appears.
I have set up a Fiddle that simple does not work at all despite have the same codes. What is the problem.
Firebug reports that nextslide() is not a function on the fiddle when it quite clearly is.
Here's a working jsFiddle of what I think you're trying to accomplish.
A couple things to keep in mind.
- The slide effect tends to work alot better if the elements are positioned absolute. I added that to your styles for
.gallery img
. - Absolute positioned items work best when positioned in a parent box that is positioned relative, otherwise they are absolute to the page, instead of being absolute positioned relative to the parent (which is the intended functionality)
- You'll notice that this also fixed the positioning of the right button/img, as on your sprite it was positioned 15 pixels right of the document body, not 15 pixels right of the div edge.
- I noticed that your buttons were the wrong height and updated that to be the sprite image's height. For some reason it was bugging me ;).
On to the code... You're revised CSS:
.gallery { position: relative; width:700px; height:370px; border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; overflow:hidden; }
.gallery img { width:700px; height:370px; border:0px; position: absolute;}
.gallery a.galarr.l { position:absolute; width:28px; height:50px; background:url(http://www.golfbrowser.com/wp-content/themes/RIK/images/core/galarr.png) left top no-repeat; position:absolute; top:160px; left:15px; display:block;}
.gallery a.galarr.r{ position:absolute; width:28px; height:50px; background:url(http://www.golfbrowser.com/wp-content/themes/RIK/images/core/galarr.png) right top no-repeat; position:absolute; top:160px; right:15px; display:block;}
And your revised javascript:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.gallery img').hide();
$('.gallery img:first').show().addClass('galo');
$('.galarr').click(function() {
// one event handler to rule them all, both left and right!
var $next, slideOutDir = '';
// figure out what direction the images are sliding, and act accordingly.
if ($(this).hasClass('l')) {
slideOutDir = "right";
// figure out rather the next slide is there, or we need to wrap to the end
$next = $('img.galo').prev('img').length ? $('img.galo').prev('img') : $("img:last");
else {
slideOutDir = "left";
// figure out rather the next slide is there, or we need to wrap to the beginning
$next = $('img.galo').next('img').length ? $('img.galo').next('img') : $(".gallery img:first");
if (!$next.length) {
$next = $(".gallery img:first");
//$next.css('z-index', 5);
//$('img.galo').css('z-index', 1);
$('img.galo').hide('slide', {
direction: slideOutDir
$next.show('slide', {
direction: (slideOutDir === "left" ? 'right' : 'left')