BISON : no shift/reduce conflicts

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:37:08


I wrote this code to create a pascal parser . When the bison analyse it, it doesn't show any conflict despite it's a left recursive and ambigous grammar. this is the code

int yyparse();
int yylex();
int yyerror(char *s);


%token  ID;
%token  VAR;
%token INT;
%token FUNC;
%token  PROC;
%token  BEGIN;
%token  END;
%token OPAFFECT;
%token OPREL;
%token  OPADD;
%token  OPMUL;
%token PROGRAM;
%token NB;
%token  IF;
%token  THEN;
%token ELSE;
%token  WHILE;
%token  DO;
%token NOT;
%token PO;
%token PF;
%token P;
%token PV;
%token DP;
%token V;
%token PLUS;
%token MINUS;

program : PROGRAM ID PV declaration compoundinstruction P
declaration : vardeclaration subprogramsdec
vardeclaration : vardeclaration VAR idlist DP INT PV | /*epsilon*/
idlist : ID | idlist V ID
subprogramsdec : subprogramsdec subprograsdec PV | /*epsilon*/
subprograsdec : subprograsheader declaration compoundinstruction
subprograsheader : FUNC ID arguments DP INT PV | PROC ID arguments PV
arguments : PO parameterslist PF
parameterslist : parametre | parameterslist PV parametre
parametre : ID DP INT | VAR ID DP INT
compoundinstruction : BEGIN optinstruction END 
optinstruction : instructionslist | /*epsilon*/
instructionslist : instruction | instructionslist PV instruction
instruction : variable OPAFFECT expression | procedurecall | compoundinstruction | IF instruction THEN instruction ELSE instruction | WHILE expression DO instruction 
variable : ID
procedurecall : ID | ID PO expressionslist PF
expressionslist : expression | expressionslist V expression
expression : simpleexpression | simpleexpression OPREL simpleexpression
simpleexpression : term | sign term | simpleexpression OPADD term
term : factor | term OPMUL factor 
factor : ID | ID PO expressionslist PF | NB | PO expression PF |  NOT factor 
sign : PLUS | MINUS

int yyerror(char *s) {
    printf("yyerror : %s\n",s);
    return 0;

int main(void) {
    return 0;

I tried other examples of ambiguous and left recursive grammars, bison displays those conflicts but not with this piece of code. And thank you!!!


Left recusion is only an issue for LL parsing, and bison is LR (actually LALR), so left recursion is not a problem -- it does not cause any conflicts or other issues.

The fact that your grammar does not have any shift/reduce conflicts means that it is not ambiguous. What makes you think that it is?

