I have a bzr repository called misc
. Naturally, it got clogged with lots of subdirectories which now deserve a repo of their own.
How do I detach a subdirectory, say misc/docs
, into a new repo called doc
I have tried:
bzr split misc/docs
But got :
bzr: ERROR: To use this feature you must upgrade your branch at
file:///home/adam/bzr/misc/ to a format which supports rich roots.
The repo is pushed into an external server, so I can delete and re-branch at will.
Take a look at bzr-fastimport plugin. It has the command fast-import-filter which allows you to "filter" part of your tree. So usual workflow would be:
bzr fast-export > out.fi
bzr fast-import-filter -i mysubdir out.fi > new.fi
bzr fast-import new.fi