I have statically defined user groups with statically defined access rights. And I want to be able to change the user group for given user from the front-end using some module.
Reason: users can register by themselves, and automatically go to group "registered". After some time they can be promoted and moved to group "member". But I don't want to do this from back-end, bcs e.g. promotion can be done by any another already member. So I need this in front-end.
I haven't found any mention about this in Google. Maybe this is just something obvious? Are there any module/plugin perfoming such task?
The Joomla core components don't allow this. But you can search on http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/clients-a-communities/user-management if there is something that fits your needs. Maybe this one: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/clients-a-communities/user-management/13753
You could make a module with a button and have the button use JUserHelper::addUserToGroup.