How can I get the title of an item from a modified version of the feedback page just like in the "Recommend this item" in jspui? I'm hoping also to generate the resulting url of the page to be like http://example.com/feedback?handle=123456789/123. I've asked this from a comment in my previous post but I don't know how to use the HandleManager. I've tried many times using part of the code from itemRequestForm but I always get null pointer error.
DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel);
if (!(dso instanceof Item)) {
Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
boolean firstVisit=Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("firstVisit"));
Item item = (Item) dso;
I also tried to looked in /ViewArtifacts/sitemap.xmap but right now it is beyond me to figure out what I am missing.
You can get the complete patch of DS-2099 at:
(TIP: you can add ".patch" to a commit at github to view the patch)
I Think its too long to post here.
Check SolicitarCorreccionForm to show the title and what you want using my other response to get the data from the handle and instead:
you should do:
String handle=parameters.getParameter("handle","unknown");
// context=new Context(); // Context exist in a form:
DSpaceOBject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context,handle);
if (dso instanceof Item){
Item item=((Item)dso);
DCValue[] titles= item.getMetadata("dc", "contributor", "author",null);
feedback.addPara(titles[0].value); // check for nulls or multiple values;
to send the title to the mail class you should do:
And at aspects/ViewArtifacts/sitemap.xmap you should set the parameter:
<map:transform type="SolicitarCorreccionForm">
<map:parameter name="title" value="{title}" />
Get at SendSolicitarCorreccionAction and send to email, to add the parameters to the mail like:
String title= request.getParameter("title");
email.addArgument(title); // Titulo
You whould like to change the url from
<map:match pattern="solicitarCorreccion/**">
to what wou want.
P.D.- I forget to mention to add imports of SolicitarCorreccionForm:
import org.dspace.content.DCValue;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager;
I hope this help.
String handle="1234/1234";
context=new Context(); // Or reuse the Context:
dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context,handle);
if (dso instanceof Item){
DCValue[] titles= dso.getMetadata("dc", "contributor", "author",null);
// use titles