I'm trying to write a DAO method where I select any number of Widgets that have a matching tag. So in entities like:
public class Widget {
private id;
@OneToMany (cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Tag> tagList;
public class Tag {
private int id;
String tagValue;
and in my DAO, I'm trying to write a method that will take in a list of strings
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
to the DAO
public List<Widget> getWidgetsMatchingTags(EntityManager entityManager, List<String> tagValues) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Widget> query = cb.createQuery(Widget.class);
Root<Widget> widgetRoot = query.from(Widget.class);
Join<Widget, Tag> tagJoin = widgetRoot.join(Widget_.tagList);
// this works
cb.equal(tagJoin.get(Tag_.value), "tom")));
// but if I try to add another predicate, it does not work,
// it returns a list size of 0
cb.equal(tagJoin.get(Tag_.value), "tom")),
cb.equal(tagJoin.get(Tag_.value), "harry"));
would like to be able to be able to match all or any of the given tags, and thought that that would be a matter of cb.and() or cb.or()
I google around and found a few link, like this on collections, also this which I don't think was totally relevant...I also went thru the pdf jpa documentation, the online user guide and did not see this covered explicitly. Please let me know if I missed something
Also note that I need to match a tag value, as the string is a field of the tag obj.
thanks for any help!!
thanks for any help
Assuming there is a Widget property on the Tag, like this:
private Widget widget;
In case you want to match any tag, you even don't need a dynamic query. With FluentJPA it can be realized like this:
List<Object> tags; // passed as a parameter
FluentQuery query = FluentJPA.SQL((Widget w,
Tag tag) -> {
FROM(w).JOIN(tag).ON(tag.getWidget() == w);
query.createQuery(getEntityManager(), Widget.class).getResultList();
in case you want to match all the tags, you need a dynamic query:
public List<Widget> filterWidgets(List<String> tags) {
Function1<Tag, Boolean> dynamicFilter = buildAnd(tags);
FluentQuery query = FluentJPA.SQL((Widget w,
Tag tag) -> {
FROM(w).JOIN(tag).ON(tag.getWidget() == w);
return query.createQuery(getEntityManager(), Widget.class).getResultList();
private Function1<Tag, Boolean> buildAnd(List<String> tags) {
Function1<Tag, Boolean> criteria = Function1.TRUE();
for (String tag : tags)
criteria = criteria.and(t -> t.getTagValue() == parameter(tag));
return criteria;
with 3 tags this is the resulting query:
FROM Widget t0 INNER JOIN Tag t1 ON (t1.widget_id = t0.id)
WHERE (((t1.tag_value = ?1) AND (t1.tag_value = ?2)) AND (t1.tag_value = ?3))