I'm making a bot to log in to bing.com using plain old windows notepad, and so far, I have this:
set wb = createobject("internetexplorer.application")
wb.statusbar = false
wb.menubar = false
wb.toolbar = false
wb.visible = true
wb.document.all.item("i0116").value = "asdf1234@gmail.com"
But, when the line that is supposed to type in my email "asdf1234@gmail.com" runs, a jumbled mess of stuff appears.
Originally, there are words in the box like "Email, phone number, or Skype" and you're supposed to click on it and type your email. But, when my bot does it, my email and the "placeholder text" mash together and produce random characters that are really weird.
I tried finding the id for the placeholder text so I can manipulate it by looking in inspect element, but I can't seem to do anything.
I'm really new to bot writing, and if anybody could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Add this line to hide the hint text
wb.document.getElementsByClassName("phholder")(0).style.display = "none"
May I also suggest replacing wscript.sleep(5000)
Do While true
if wb.readystate = 4 then exit do
Which should just wait until the page is loaded.