I've just moved to a macbook pro retina with Mavericks and have started getting these warning messages in my rspec output:
webkit_server[55708:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Arial" and got font with PostScript name "ArialMT". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
I'm using capybara with the webkit javascript driver by setting the following in my spec_helper.rb file:
Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit
Does anyone know how to suppress the messages?
you can do this
brew uninstall qt && brew update && brew install qt
related: https://github.com/thoughtbot/capybara-webkit/issues/581
Just answering my own question here after finding some info from github:
This seems to be an issue seen specifically on Mavericks and is todo with one of capybara-webkit's dependancies; the capybara-webkit project are aware of it and currently have a work around available in this issue discussion thread
One thing to note is that the work around didn't work for me on capybara-webkit 0.14.2 so I updated to version 1.0.0 with:
bundle update capybara-webkit
The message suppession routine work fine after that :)