I have a DAO.Recordest called products
which I assign like this
Set products = db.OpenRecordset("Product URLs for Sitemap")
"Product URLs for Sitemap" is a query which when ran makes use of a custom VBA function to populate one of it's columns.
What I am expecting to happen is that products
will contain the contents of the query after it has ran, like a table. However this does not seem to be the case.
Once I have my products
recordset I am then looping over it and creating some XML from it
Do While Not products.EOF
Dim prdUrl As String
Dim prdUpdated As String
prdUrl = products!url
prdUpdated = products!updated
XML = XML & createUrlXml(products!url, products!updated)
However during this loop it is calling the function used in "Product URLs for Sitemap" during each loop. This should only need to be done once - at the time that I populate products
by calling Set products = db.OpenRecordset("Product URLs for Sitemap")
Why is this getting called every time I loop through the products
recordset and how do I stop this?
How to use GetRows(), simple example:
Dim queryText As String
queryText = "SELECT *, YourVBAFunc([URLs_SOURCE]) AS URL FROM Table1;"
Dim products As DAO.Recordset
Set products = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(queryText)
Dim data As Variant
data = products.GetRows(products.RecordCount)
' then all data are in the array 'data' ...
More information here: http://bytes.com/topic/access/insights/789969-retrieving-data-dao-recordset-using-getrows
I would suggest turning the query "Product URLs for Sitemap" into a table, which will then force the execution of the function for all rows at that time. So:
SELECT columnA, columnB ... yourFunction(args)
INTO newTableName
FROM tableSpecification
Then your loop will not execute the function each iteration.
If this information is going to change (as I'm guessing) drop it after you're done with it, and recreate next time this logic needs to run.
If the data needs to be user- or session- specific, you can generate a random number for the tablename using the timer:
newTableName = "myTableName" + replace(Timer,".","")
Hope this suggestion helps.