How to translate a JQuery function value in Javascript to ScalaJS (scalajs-jquery)

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-11 13:45:13


In my ScalaJS project I use Semantic-UI with scala-js-jquery

I use this to monkey patch JQuery:

  // Monkey patching JQuery
  trait SemanticJQuery extends JQuery {
    def dropdown(params: js.Any*): SemanticJQuery = js.native
    def popup(params: js.Any*): SemanticJQuery = js.native
    // and more

  // Monkey patching JQuery with implicit conversion
  implicit def jq2semantic(jq: JQuery): SemanticJQuery = jq.asInstanceOf[SemanticJQuery]

For example $('select.dropdown').dropdown();

translates to jQuery(".ui.dropdown").dropdown(js.Dynamic.literal(on = "hover")).

My problem now is how to translate this:

// custom form validation rule
$.fn.form.settings.rules.adminLevel = function(value, adminLevel) {
  return (window.user.adminLevel >= adminLevel)


Your JS snippet

// custom form validation rule
$.fn.form.settings.rules.adminLevel = function(value, adminLevel) {
  return (window.user.adminLevel >= adminLevel)

straightforwardly translates to

import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic.{global => g}

// custom form validation rule
g.$.fn.form.settings.rules.adminLevel = { (value: js.Dynamic, adminLevel: js.Dynamic) =>
  g.window.user.adminLevel <= adminLevel

You could do something nicer with static types if you have some to represent those structures, but that's basically it if you're satisfied with a dynamically typed solution.

