I'm trying to build an interface from Scala to JDBC callableStatements. For the most part, it's straightforward, except for Lists
I need to be able to take a Scala List
of some type, and convert it into a Java Array that can be passed to statement.setArray(type, array)
and I'm not having any luck (partly because I don't know Java and JDBC very well).
Here's what I'm trying to do:
for (parameter <- ps.parameters) {
case GPArrayIn(None, t) => callableStatement.setNull(index, t)
case GPIn(v: Some[_], Types.INTEGER) => callableStatement.setInt(index, v.get.asInstanceOf[Int])
case GPIn(v: Some[_], Types.VARCHAR | Types.LONGVARCHAR) => callableStatement.setString(index, v.get.asInstanceOf[String])
case GPArrayIn(v: Some[List[_]], Types.INTEGER) => callableStatement.setArray(Types.INTEGER, ???? )
case GPArrayIn(v: Some[List[_]], Types.VARCHAR | Types.LONGVARCHAR) => callableStatement.setArray(Types.VARCHAR, ???? )
It's pretty straightforward for simple values but when it comes to the setArray()
calls I'm stuck.
Any advice would be sorely appreciated. Been stuck on this for hours...
takes a java.sql.Array
as described in the doc:
void setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x)
throws SQLException
You can create one with:
sqlArray = connection.createArrayOf("VARCHAR", regularJavaArray);
which is of type:
Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements)
throws SQLException
See this doc for examples and explanation if needed.
Bottom line: you need to convert Scala collection to java array if it's not an array already, then convert that Java array to SQL array using createArrayOf
. It will do some under the hood magic to map that data to SQL ARRAY.
As for the pattern matching and extraction, you can use something like that:
scala> val numbers = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
numbers: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
scala> def arrayMatcher[T](maybeArray: Option[Array[T]]): String =
| maybeArray match {
| case Some(a: Array[Int]) => a.mkString(",")
| case Some(b: Array[String]) => b.mkString("-")
| case None => "no array"
| case _ => "no match"
| }
arrayMatcher: [T](maybeArray: Option[Array[T]])String
scala> arrayMatcher(Some(numbers))
res0: String = 1,2,3,4
scala> arrayMatcher(None)
res1: String = no array
scala> arrayMatcher(Some(numbers map(_.toString)))
res2: String = 1-2-3-4
scala> arrayMatcher(Some(Array(1.2, 3.4)))
res3: String = no match
scala> arrayMatcher(Some(List(1, 2)))
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Some[List[Int]]
required: Option[Array[?]]
arrayMatcher(Some(List(1, 2)))
To convert a list to array use:
scala> List(1, 2, 3).toArray
res6: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)