Facebook graph API /me/friends not returns all friends who authorized app?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 12:52:36


After a long surf i have realized Graph API /me/friends only returns the person's friends who also use the app.anyway i need answer from an experienced one

Any possibility to fetch all friends of a user ?

Now my second query I have used the following code for fetching friends of a user after verifying and approved user_friends permission by team facebook and also I'm logging in with the user_friends permission.

 /* make the API call */
        new GraphRequest(
                new GraphRequest.Callback() {
                    public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
                     /* handle the result *


{Response:  responseCode: 200, graphObject: {"summary":{"total_count":572},"data":[]}, error: null}.

I have friends in my list whose also uses the same app but ain't get their information also you can see in the above response only total_count were returning.

What's going wrong, Can anyone help me out ?


After some debugging now I'm getting only details of single friend in response while i have friends more than that whose using the app.why it won't return the other friends details ? any idea ?

Also when i debugged with Access Token Debugger, it tells that the user have user_friends scope.still ain't get the expected response.


If you are updating permissions in an existing application then exiting users will have to logout and login again with new set of permissions with new code.

