Very common mistake in our code is to write
@Mock Object object;
@InjectMocks Subject subject;
instead of
@Mock private Object object;
@InjectMocks private Subject subject;
This prevents PMD/FindBugs/IntelliJ from issuing warning when the field becomes unused and also our code reviews are bloated with "make this field private" comments.
Is there any static-analysis rule in any tool to warn when fields with specific annotations do not have expected visibility?
I found Checkstyle's VisibilityModifier, but it marks all non-private fields, not just the ones with specific annotations.
You could use the Structural Search Inspection in IntelliJ IDEA. For example with a pattern like this:
@Mock @Modifier("packageLocal") $FieldType$ $FieldName$ = $Init$;
FieldType: min: 1, max: 1
FieldName: min: 1, max: 1
Init: min: 0, max: 1
You could use PMD's Rule Designer to create a new XPath rule, which can be embedded into a PMD ruleset xml file. I haven't used PMD with IntelliJ IDEA or Jenkins, but I'm sure the plugins exist.
Here's a rule I've made (not tested outside the Rule Designer):
<rule name="NonPrivateMockAnnotation"
message="Mock anotation should be private"
<property name="xpath">
@Image = 'InjectMocks' or
@Image = 'Mock'
] and
FieldDeclaration/@Private = 'false'
class Example {
@Mock Object object;
@InjectMocks Subject subject;