I am desperately trying to build a little Vaadin project with login secured pages/views. I have found vaadin4spring and thought I could start based on the security sample. However, after importing the project and running it, I am receiving the message (without any changes at the project):
Failed to load the widgetset: ./VAADIN/widgetsets/org.vaadin.spring.samples.security.Widgetset/org.vaadin.spring.samples.security.Widgetset.nocache.js?1424243461387
I have also tried to compile the widgetset manually, which wasn’t possible at the beginning (missing WebContent folder). After converting the project to use WebFacets and adding Dynamic Web Module the compilation was possible. But the widgetset related error message was still the same.
Can anybody help me with this problem? I have the feeling that it is just a little thing I am missing.
I think you have imported the sample somehow wrong, because you are talking about WebContent folder. I bet you are using eclipse (because of WTP related WebContent folder).
- Delete the old project from workspace and possible settings files eclipse created
- Choose File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven Project
You probably want to make one fresh install before you start to play with the project: from the top level "parent-pom" project, choose with right click: Run as -> Maven install. Get a cup of coffee, the build will take a while.
To start e.g. the Security sample you seem to have tried, just execute the main method from org.vaadin.spring.samples.security.ApplicationInitializer. In eclipse, right click on the class and choose Run as Java Application and the app will launch with embedded Tomcat at http://localhost:8080/