Pyramid: Multi-threaded Database Operation

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-11 11:28:32


My application receives one or more URLs (typically 3-4 URLs) from the user, scrapes certain data from those URLs and writes those data to the database. However, because scraping those data take a little while, I was thinking of running each of those scraping in a separate thread so that the scraping + writing to the database can keep on going in the background so that the user does not have to keep on waiting.

To implement that, I have (relevant parts only):

@view_config(route_name="add_movie", renderer="templates/add_movie.jinja2")
def add_movie(request):
    post_data = request.POST

    if "movies" in post_data:
        movies = post_data["movies"].split(os.linesep)

        for movie_id in movies:        
            movie_thread = Thread(target=store_movie_details, args=(movie_id,))

    return {}

def store_movie_details(movie_id):

    movie_details = scrape_data(movie_id)
    new_movie = Movie(**movie_details) # Movie is my model.

    print new_movie  # Works fine.

    print DBSession.add(movies(**movie_details))  # Returns None.

While the line new_movie does print correct scrapped data, DBSession.add() doesn't work. In fact, it just returns None.

If I remove the threads and just call the method store_movie_details(), it works fine.

What's going on?


Firstly, the SA docs on Session.add() do not mention anything about the method's return value, so I would assume it is expected to return None.

Secondly, I think you meant to add new_movie to the session, not movies(**movie_details), whatever that is :)

Thirdly, the standard Pyramid session (the one configured with ZopeTransactionExtension) is tied to Pyramid's request-response cycle, which may produce unexpected behavior in your situation. You need to configure a separate session which you will need to commit manually in store_movie_details. This session needs to use scoped_session so the session object is thread-local and is not shared across threads.

from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=some_engine)
AsyncSession = scoped_session(session_factory)

def store_movie_details(movie_id):

    session = AsyncSession()
    movie_details = scrape_data(movie_id)
    new_movie = Movie(**movie_details) # Movie is my model.


And, of course, this approach is only suitable for very light-weight tasks, and if you don't mind occasionally losing a task (when the webserver restarts, for example). For anything more serious have a look at Celery etc. as Antoine Leclair suggests.


The transaction manager closes the transaction when the response is returned. DBSession has no transaction in the other threads when the response has been returned. Also, it's probably not a good idea to share a transaction across threads.

This is a typical use case for a worker. Check out Celery or RQ.

