I want to route to "config" router, which is nested 2 outlets deep but I'm unable to figure out the correct way to do so.
<router name="main">
<router name="config">
In my routing.ts, I created 2 ways to reach the component:
export const routes: Routes = [
// Entrypoint.
path: 'Foo', component: FooComponent, canActivate: [IsServerOnlineGuard], children: [
path: 'Bar', component: BarComponent, outlet: 'main', children: [
{ path: 'Smtp', component: smtpComponent, outlet: 'config' } // registered as a child
path: 'Smtp', component: smtpComponent, outlet: 'config' }, // registered under the "main" component
{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: 'CSI' },
{ path: '**', redirectTo: 'CSI' },
I tried navigating there in 2 ways.
public RouteToConfigOutlet(componentName: string) {
this._router.navigate([`/(main:BarComponent)/`, {
outlets: {
config: ['Smtp']
public RouteToConfigOutlet(componentName: string) {
this._router.navigate([``, {
outlets: {
main: ['BarComponent'],
config: ['Smtp']
Alas I'm unable to get my component to show up and am trying to find the correct way to get there.
I found the answer on this website. The correct way of routing is:
outlets: {
'main': ['BarComponent',
{ outlets: { 'config': ['smtpComponent'] } } ]