How to expire each element of a collection by setting an individual time-to-live (TTL) property in Cassandra?
the documentation is here, but I cannot find an example. (https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_using/useExpire.html)
If you want to have different TTL in a same column collection (set, list, map) of cassandra.
Do like in this example:
There is a table -> tableName
whih one column (col1) primary key of text type
A column(col2) of type set <long>
UPDATE tableName USING TTL 30 SET col2=col2+{11} WHERE col1=-10;
UPDATE tableName USING TTL 88 SET col2=col2+{22} WHERE col1=-10;
In the example I am upserting to values to the set, {11} with TTL=30 and {22} with TTL=88.
When one element exeeds the TTL it is automaticaly deleted.
When all the elements in the set exceeds the TTL and the set is empty, the row is also deleted.