Dreamweaver error warning

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-11 10:07:43


Why does Dreamweaver flag this as an error and gives me the warning

"Special characters must be escaped: [<]"

when it finds this

<?php include("nav_none.php"); ?> 

in the source code?




i know its very late to reply you but am doing this for you and other people. This happens when you type properties of any tag without spaces or you misses simple syntax error like writing = or column sign. In your case i am pretty sure that you must be writing in file that has html file type extension. When you do same with .php type file extension you will not get any warning message.

I am here demonstrating few common html syntax errors that we makes every time when we write html codes.

<a href="img/Accolade1a.JPG">
 <img src="img/Accolade1a.JPG" alt"">
 <p>Accolade1a Template</p>

Here on the line number 2 from the top at alt attribute = sign is missing, however this will work but most of the smart browser will give you warning to correct this. Below is correction:

<a href="img/Accolade1a.JPG">
 <img src="img/Accolade1a.JPG" alt="">
 <p>Accolade1a Template</p>

And another common problem is not providing spaces between attributes of tag. This is just typo error. it will work on most of the browsers but it spoils readability of code. Please have a look

<div class="form-group"style="color:#fff;">

and correction of this warning is just put white space after " and warning will get lost. have a look:

 <div class="form-group" style="color:#fff;">

So try to write good code it will help you a lot. Trust me Dreamweaver is very good software from Adobe. I hope it will helpful to you.

