- Typescript
- ABP + .NET Core
I'm using a grid to insert rows (the grid I'm using is a component of the DevExtreme framework). Anyway, similar to other grids, it raises onRowInserting
events when the records are inserted, providing the inserted row as a parameter. I need to convert that "anonymous" object (the inserted data) to my client-side DTO in this event.
onRowInserting(e) {
let mynewrow: ItemDto = e.data; // e.data contains the inserted row
To better understand what I need to achieve, please read this post:
Add rows to DevExtreme grid (angular) - model/schema
The ItemDto
export class ItemDto implements IItemDto {
description: string;
note: string;
quantita: number;
postId: number;
id: number;
constructor(data?: IItemDto) {
if (data) {
for (var property in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
(<any>this)[property] = (<any>data)[property];
init(data?: any) {
if (data) {
this.description = data["description"];
this.note = data["note"];
this.quantita = data["quantita"];
this.postId = data["postId"];
this.id = data["id"];
static fromJS(data: any): ItemDto {
let result = new ItemDto();
return result;
toJSON(data?: any) {
data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
data["description"] = this.description;
data["note"] = this.note;
data["quantita"] = this.quantita;
data["postId"] = this.postId;
data["id"] = this.id;
return data;
clone() {
const json = this.toJSON();
let result = new ItemDto();
return result;
export interface IItemDto {
description: string;
note: string;
quantita: number;
postId: number;
id: number;
And below, the content of e.data
(at this moment, I've added only some columns to the grid, so not all fields are present).
Object {
__KEY__: "7c2ab8-1ff6-6b53-b9d7-ba25c27"
description: "mydescription"
id: 32
note: "mynote"
postId: 4
quantita: 2
> __proto__: Object { constructor; , _defineG....
This image represents the object better: https://imgur.com/ihVZrDh
I'm not sure what I did in the line let mynewrow: ItemDto
I don't know if it is correct, or if it is enough to use the variable later, passing it to the service that saves the new row.
You can use decorators and serializers. See lib for ts here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/serialize-ts