I'm trying to print something in a document, but it only works for the first value of h that I tried! I was trying to figure it out myself, but I have to give this code to my professor in less than an hour, so I'm a bit desperate. :/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double euler(double v0, double *t0, double h, double (*f)(double));
double dv(double v);
int main(){
double vlim, t = 0;
double *pt = &t;
double h0 = 1.e-7;
vlim = euler(0, pt, h0, dv);
printf("O tempo e a velocidade limite para um passo de %.0e s sao respectivamente:\n", h0);
printf("%.0e s e %lf mm/s.\n\n", *pt, vlim);
double h = h0, v = 0;
do {
*pt = 0;
v = euler(0, pt, h, dv);
h /= 5.;
} while (fabs(v-vlim)/v > 1e-5);
printf("O passo necessario para atingir a convergencia na velocidade limite e' %.1e s.\n",h);
return 0;
double euler(double y, double *x, double h, double (*f)(double)){
FILE *arq = fopen("bolha.dat","w+");
double y0, eps = 1e-4;
y0 = y;
y = y0 + h*f(y0); // Metodo de Euler
*x += h;
fprintf(arq, "%.1e\t%.7lf\n", *x, y);
} while (fabs((y-y0)/y) > eps);
return y;
dv is not relevant, so I didn't post it. It looks like it's something really stupid in the loop, because if I put h0 = 2.e-8 (which is the value I'm trying to print) it works for that value.
I was able to fix it by making the file a parameter on the euler function and then calling it again after the loop, on a different file. That solved the problem, but I still don't understand why it wasn't working before.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double euler(double v0, double *t0, double h, double (*f)(double), FILE *arquivo);
double dv(double v);
int main(){
FILE *saida = fopen("bolhateste.dat","w+");
double vlim, t = 0;
double *pt = &t;
double h0 = 1.e-7;
vlim = euler(0, pt, h0, dv, saida);
printf("O tempo e a velocidade limite para um passo de %.0e s sao respectivamente:\n", h0);
printf("%.0e s e %lf mm/s.\n\n", *pt, vlim);
double h = h0, v = 0;
do {
*pt = 0;
v = euler(0, pt, h, dv, saida);
h /= 5.;
} while (fabs(v-vlim)/v > 1e-5);
saida = fopen("bolha.dat","w+");
euler(0, pt, h, dv, saida);
printf("O passo necessario para atingir a convergencia na velocidade limite e' %.1e s.\n",h);
return 0;
double euler(double y, double *x, double h, double (*f)(double), FILE *arquivo){
double y0, eps = 1e-4;
y0 = y;
y = y0 + h*f(y0); // Metodo de Euler
*x += h;
fprintf(arquivo, "%.1e\t%.7lf\n", *x, y);
} while (fabs((y-y0)/y) > eps);
return y;