It seems MQTTUtils Only provide three methods, def createStream(jssc: JavaStreamingContext, brokerUrl: String, topic: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel): JavaDStream[String]
Create an input stream that receives messages pushed by a MQTT publisher. def createStream(jssc: JavaStreamingContext, brokerUrl: String, topic: String): JavaDStream[String]
Create an input stream that receives messages pushed by a MQTT publisher. def createStream(ssc: StreamingContext, brokerUrl: String, topic: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2): DStream[String]
Create an input stream that receives messages pushed by a MQTT publisher.
But How can I provide username and password if the broker enabled authentication?
You could try including the username and password in the url:
Please find this MQTT Scala Word Count Example.
Particular for your case run the publisher as
bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.MQTTPublisher mqtt://username:password@host:port foo
And Subscriber as
bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.MQTTWordCount mqtt://username:password@host:port foo
Before doing this ensure that you are started ActiveMQ broker.
example code
import org.apache.activemq.broker.{TransportConnector, BrokerService}
def startActiveMQMQTTBroker() {
broker = new BrokerService()
connector = new TransportConnector()
connector.setUri(new URI("mqtt:" + brokerUri))
pom file
You can trying using the customized spark-streaming-mqtt-connector library available here - https://github.com/sathipal/spark-streaming-mqtt-with-security_2.10-1.3.0.
This library adds the following on top of the original library,
- Added TLS v1.2 security such that the communication is always secured.
- Stored topic along with the payload in the RDD.
So, use the following method to create the stream,
val lines = MQTTUtils.createStream(ssc, // Spark Streaming Context
"ssl://URL", // Broker URL
"<topic>", // MQTT topic
"MQTT client-ID", // Unique ID of the application
There are overloaded constructors that allows you to pass the RDD storage level as well. Hope this helps.