How to safe guard against broken jenkinsfiles causing pipelines to run indefinitely?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-11 09:05:43


I have my repo getting polled every 5 mins.

But I found that if the jenkinsfile is totally broken the pipeline will fail with "This stage has no steps".

Then every 5 mins it will retry it and keep failing.

How do I safe guard against this? Can I set a threshold somewhere so if this happens it doesn't churn forever?


If you are using scm polling, it should only build if there are changes. Sounds like you may be building on a cron schedule. Here is the different syntax for each in a declarative pipeline.

pipeline {
    triggers {
        cron('H/4 * * * 1-5')
        pollSCM('0 0 * * 0')

Or you could do is trigger the builds from a webhook instead of starting a new build every 5 minutes.

If you really just want to throttle the builds so you can't do more than n builds in x time, you can set this property:

properties([[$class: 'JobPropertyImpl', throttle: [count: 1, durationName: 'hour']])

