Using m2e plugin in a Dynamic Web Project

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-11 07:47:05


I have an existing Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse Indigo and the m2e plugin installed. In another version of my eclipse setup that I dont quite remember (my hdd crashed) I could just right click on the project -> Maven -> Enable Dependency Management.

This menu is gone for my Dynamic Web Project in my current eclipse version. Whats the way to go now? I tried right click on the project folder -> configure -> convert to maven project but that fails with errors.


M2Eclipse has migrated to an Eclipse project from Sonatype called m2e. Therefore in you Eclipse Indigo you have installed m2e whereas your old Maven projects in the older Eclipse version were created with M2Eclipse according to your right-click description. Now under normal circomstances everything should be working flawlessly and we wouldn't have this discussion. Unfortunately with the move of the project the namespace has changed from org.maven.ide.eclipse to org.eclipse.m2e.core and old Maven projects created with M2Eclipse are not immediately recognised as Maven projects in m2e. Here's a description of how to migrate your projects accordingly.


Erik, importing an existing maven project would let m2e discover and propose you to install m2e-wtp, the Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP plugin. Since you're starting from scratch, you should install m2e-wtp yourself (see

Now in order to quickstart a new mavenized web project, you should go to the "New Project" menu and choose new Maven project. At this point, either you choose to create a "simple" project, in which case you need to select the "war" packaging on the following screen, or use a maven archetype, which will quickstart a new preconfigured web project, with the flavor you want (jsf, spring ...). The m2e-wtp wiki has links to help you get started.

Note : at this point Eclipse to Maven conversion is pretty much inexistant (only creates a bare pom.xml), that's why I recommend to create a maven project first. Hopefully, this should get better in the next m2e 1.1 (June 2012)

