I want to create a large table to create some tables after that table in a Shiny app.
This is a part of my server.R
function(input, output) {
output$year <- renderText(input$year)
year <- reactive({
matrix = tbl_df(dbReadTable(rca_matrices_db, reactive(paste0("table_",year))))
my_table = matrix %>% ... BLA BLA BLA
output$more_than_10 <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
mytable %>% select(X1,X2) %>% filter(X1 > 10)
output$less_than_10 <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
mytable %>% select(X1,X2) %>% filter(X1 < 10)
And the year
comes from this part of ui.R
selectInput('year', 'Year', c("Select year",1999:2015), selected = 1999)
If I replace, in the conflicting part of server.R
, the year
variable for
year <- 2000
then it works
any ideas?
The problem is that
matrix = tbl_df(dbReadTable(rca_matrices_db, reactive(paste0("table_",year))))
is not reactive. It will not update whenever the reactive year changes. Also, as already pointed out in the comments, to call the value of the reactive year
, you need to use year()
. So you need to make my_table a reactive too, maybe as follows:
my_table <- reactive({
my_matrix = tbl_df(dbReadTable(rca_matrices_db, reactive(paste0("table_",year()))))
my_table = my_matrix %>% ... BLA BLA BLA
return (my_table)
Now, the value of my_table()
will update anytime year()
changes, which changes anytime input$year
changes. (Note, you could also directly put input$year here instead of making year()
a separate reactive).
So you can now do:
output$more_than_10 <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
mytable() %>% select(X1,X2) %>% filter(X1 > 10)
and this will update anytime the reactive mytable()
changes, which as we just noticed changes as `input$year' changes. Hope this helps!