ShinyApps on AWS with Rstudio AMI

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 06:25:10


I created an AWS instance with this R Studio AMI.

The instructions point that to make the Shiny App available to public you should put it in a ShinyApps folder (public dir).

The issue I'm having though, is that my apps are accesable only through that particular directory, but I can't access them through subdirectories.

For instance:

http://<instance IP address>/shiny/username - works
http://<instance IP address>/shiny/**subdirectory**/username - doesnt work

So I can't really show more than one Shiny App on a single instance.

My goal is to create an index.html page that links several ShinyApps like this one.


I've updated my index.html with this repo

The problem is again, when I link an app from the index.html I get only the R code opens up, rather than the app.

