In bookdown, is there a LaTeX math environment which numbers each equation, regardless of whether the ouptut is .pdf, .docx, .html? Adding this LaTeX:
X &= Y \\
Z &= W
Into the bookdown-demo outputs the following:
PDF: works as expected.
DOCX: missing equation numbers.
HTML: missing equation numbers.
- The output was generated using
. - This is related to an unanswered question of mine: Align environment in R Markdown which works for both docx and pdf output?
UPDATE: Merging Ralf's answer below along with other learnings of mine, in bookdown, the following all work consistently and as expected across .pdf, .docx, .html output.
Add a single un-numbered equation:
X = Y
Add a single numbered equation:
X = Y
I refer to previous, equation \@ref(eq:eq02).
Add multiple un-numbered equations:
X &= Y \\
Z &= W
Add multiple equations with numbering for each:
X &= Y (\#eq:eq05)\\
Z &= W (\#eq:eq06)
I refer to previous, equation \@ref(eq:eq05) and equation \@ref(eq:eq06).
Add multiple equations with a single numbering for all:
X &= Y \\
Z &= W
I refer to previous, equation \@ref(eq:eq04).
For equation numbering support in bookdown
you need to assign labels. the following works for me:
bookdown::html_document2: default
bookdown::word_document2: default
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
X &= Y \\
Z &= W
X &= Y (\#eq:eq2) \\
Z &= W (\#eq:eq3)
See Equation \@ref(eq:eq1) or Equations \@ref(eq:eq2) and \@ref(eq:eq3).
HTML Output:
PDF output is similar. Word output as seen in LibreOffice is pretty bad, but the equation numbers including references are there. So I guess this is a local or LibreOffice specific problem.