Distinguish between user logout and session expired logout (SSH and web console)

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-11 05:25:20


we are searching for a solution to log an event (for example into the syslog) when a user logs out of the system. This could be logging out from a shell (bash) or logging out using ssh. We want to distinguish between explicit user logouts via "exit" and users sessions which just expire (timeout). Is that possible? How-to? Which directions to look for a solution?

The system is RHEL7/CentOS7 and runs using VMWare (web console logout should also be logged).


You might need too different solutions.

  • For normal sessions, which will have a login event, you can set a trap on the 'EXIT' event. This will cover explicit logout (CTRL/D, or exit), gettng killed by signal (NOT signal 9), and timeout. Look for bash 'trap' command. Those can be set at the loginn startup script (bashrc)
  • For SSH sessions, setting the remote 'bashrc' will make it possible to capture end of session (including timeout, signal).


It's possible to get indication of 'TIMEOUT' by checking '$?' in the TRAP handler. It will be 142 corresponding to ALRM signal (kill -l 142=ARLM). This is not explicitly document, but is consistent with the default signal handler for kill -ALRM.

function my_trap {
  local X=$1
  if [ "$X" = "$(kill -l ALRM)" ] ; then
     Log Timeout
     Log Exit/EOF

trap 'my_trap $?' EXIT

