Reverse Geocoding using Perl and Google Maps API

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-11 04:29:45


A Perl module exists in order to interface with the Google Maps API. The code is as follows:

 use Geo::Coder::Google;
 $geocoder = Geo::Coder::Google->new();
 @location = $geocoder->geocode(location => '1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC USA'); 

Site Source:

However I need to go from coordinates to address. How is that done even if that means using a different means in PERL? Please be advised that I tried the OpenMaps API and it is inaccurate. Google Maps seems to be much better.


The maintainer for Geo::Coder::Google accepted my patch, so the module now supports reverse-geocoding (as of version 0.12).

Example use:

use Geo::Coder::Google;
$geocoder = Geo::Coder::Google->new(apiver => 3);
$location = $geocoder->reverse_geocode(latlng => '37.778907,-122.39732');

See docs at:


The answer, is that Geo::Coder::Google did not implement the latlng parameter for reverse lookups. So you cannot use it for that.

However, it would be pretty simple to add reverse lookup functionality.



  1. Download the CPAN Geo::Coder::Google object.
  2. Navigate your way to the object.
  3. Drop this module into the code.

sub reverseGeocode {my $self = shift;

my %param;
if (@_ % 2 == 0) {
    %param = @_;
} else {
    $param{location} = shift;

my $location = $param{location} 
    or Carp::croak("Usage: reverseGeocode(location => \$location)");

if (Encode::is_utf8($location)) {
    $location = Encode::encode_utf8($location);

my $uri = URI->new("http://$self->{host}/maps/api/geocode/json");
my %query_parameters = (latlng => $location);
$query_parameters{language} = $self->{language} if defined $self->{language};
$query_parameters{region} = $self->{region} if defined $self->{region};
$query_parameters{oe} = $self->{oe};
$query_parameters{sensor} = $self->{sensor} ? 'true' : 'false';
my $url = $uri->as_string;

if ($self->{client} and $self->{key}) {
    $query_parameters{client} = $self->{client};

    my $signature = $self->make_signature($uri);
    # signature must be last parameter in query string or you get 403's
    $url = $uri->as_string;
    $url .= '&signature='.$signature if $signature;

Then just use it like this:

 my $location = $geocoder->reverseGeocode(location => '40.7837366863403,-73.9882784482727');

Then you can access returning object like so:

 print $location->{formatted_address};

To see the detailed parts of the address see the following link as a guide:

