Hey i'm trying to get all pins for a specific user from pinterest API in android app
but as i see for now there is no public Api after searching i found this Post which contain an end point for fetching all pins of specific user http://widgets.pinterest.com/v3/pidgets/users/eecolor/pins/
and this works perfectly but it doesn't contain the pin creating date.
Also i have checked the official website which contain a sample response for pins list and the data contain creation date
so how i can do this,is there any extra field should i added to the previous endpoint
You can obtain scraping from here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/[put-pin-id-here]/
Ex. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234565787899/
See the page code:
meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2015-05-19T10:31:33"/
I found that there is no way to get pinterest pins from specific page unless you are the the admin of the page, but in this case you can use this url for using rest Api
and the access token could be generated from here